Looking for Hearthstone Battlegrounds patch notes 26.4.3? We will delve into the latest updates on Hearthstone Battlegrounds Patch 26.4.3, and what can players expect in their strategic battles.
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Arrival of New Hearthstone Battlegrounds Patches
Exciting news, Hearthstone Battlegrounds players! Patch 26.4.3 has just landed, delivering a wave of thrilling updates that are sure to enhance your gaming experience. Prepare to be enthralled by the following exciting changes. Brace yourself for the arrival of three fresh heroes, each wielding unique abilities that will revolutionize your strategy.
With a diverse range of powers at your disposal, you’ll have the opportunity to explore uncharted territories and uncover winning combinations like never before. To level the playing field, numerous heroes have undergone balance adjustments.
This means that a broader spectrum of heroes can now compete on equal footing, fostering a more dynamic and captivating meta. Embrace the challenge of reevaluating your hero choices and adapting your tactics to these refreshed heroes. The minion pool has received a significant overhaul, ushering in an era of renewed possibilities.
Expect fresh faces, adjusted mechanics, and even replacements among the minions you’ll encounter during your Battlegrounds journey. These changes will inject new life into the game and demand strategic flexibility as you navigate uncharted synergies and embrace the unexpected.
Alongside the minion pool update, an assortment of captivating new minions has joined the fray. Unleash their unique abilities and discover fresh strategies as you experiment with these intriguing additions. Prepare to be dazzled by their potential and add an extra layer of excitement to your matches.
Maintaining equilibrium within the Battlegrounds ecosystem is of paramount importance. With that in mind, balance adjustments have been made to existing minions. This ensures that no single minion dominates the meta, allowing for a more diverse and strategic gameplay experience. Prepare to reassess your favorite strategies and uncover hidden gems among the newly calibrated minions.
In the pursuit of a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience, this update includes fixes for known bugs. Say goodbye to frustrating issues and revel in the smoothness and stability that this patch brings. Immerse yourself in the game without interruptions and focus on honing your strategies to become a formidable contender.
Feast your eyes on enhanced visuals and a revamped user interface. These improvements heighten the overall aesthetic appeal of Battlegrounds, creating a more immersive and visually stunning experience. Get ready to be captivated by the vibrant and polished presentation as you dive into epic battles.
In the pursuit of a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience, this update includes fixes for known bugs. Say goodbye to frustrating issues and revel in the smoothness and stability that this patch brings. Immerse yourself in the game without interruptions and focus on honing your strategies to become a formidable contender.Visual and User Interface Enhancements: Feast your eyes on enhanced visuals and a revamped user interface.
These improvements heighten the overall aesthetic appeal of Battlegrounds, creating a more immersive and visually stunning experience. Get ready to be captivated by the vibrant and polished presentation as you dive into epic battles.
Patch 26.4.3 for Hearthstone Battlegrounds is an exhilarating update that breathes new life into the game. With new heroes, a revamped minion pool, balance adjustments, bug fixes, and visual enhancements, this patch paves the way for captivating gameplay and endless strategic possibilities. Embrace the excitement, adapt to the changes, and embark on a thrilling journey in the ever-evolving world of Hearthstone Battlegrounds!
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Patch Notes 26.4.3
Hearthstone Updates
Dev Comment: The meta is in a pretty healthy place right now and a lot of players seem to be enjoying the post mini-set meta, so we’re not trying to be too disruptive with this round of changes. We’re making some smaller adjustments to tone down a few emerging meta outliers and to give a little more power to some of the mini-set cards that have not gotten much attention.
The following cards have been adjusted to be less powerful:
The Purator
Old: [5 Mana]
New: [6 Mana]
Disco Maul
Old: [2 Mana] 2 Attack, 2 Durability
New: [3 Mana] 3 Attack, 2 Durability
Feast and Famine
Old: [1 Mana]
New: [2 Mana]
Dev Comment: Pure Paladin has been a strong deck for a while now. After this latest patch, we saw a jump in the deck’s power to the point where it is now a dominant power outlier at all levels of play. Purator is the best card in the best deck, by every measure, so it was an easy target for change. We expect it to still see play after getting toned down a little. Disco Maul has been a card we’ve had our eyes on for a while, and this felt like the appropriate time to act on it. Finally, we’ve seen a lot of power come from the Horn of the Windlord – Feast and Famine combo, but we can see that Horn of the Windlord isn’t a problem in Shaman, so we’re adjusting the other half of the combo to make it a little slower overall and less flexible on non-combo turns.
Lady S’Theno
Old: 2 Attack, 4 Health
New: 1 Attack, 4 Health
Dev Comment: There’s been a growing negative sentiment about Spell Demon Hunter, especially at the top levels of play, and particularly with the class closing out games in the same way for a long time. There were a few choices for us on which card(s) to adjust, but Lady S’Theno seemed like the best target to have the biggest impact on play experience and player sentiment.
Hope of Quel’Thalas
Old: 4 Attack, 2 Durability
New: 3 Attack, 2 Durability
Dev Comment: Big Hunter has emerged as another power outlier after the mini-set additions of Hollow Hound and Star Power. We think the deck is fun and cool, and we want to see players continue to enjoy it, but we also don’t want it to become too powerful after the other adjustments this patch, so this is a small preemptive adjustment to shave a little bit of its power.
Pozzik, Audio Engineer
Old: 5 Attack, 4 Health
New: 4 Attack, 4 Health
Dev Comment: Statistically, Pozzik is the highest winrate neutral legendary in the game and has been criminally underplayed. As we saw more and more decks trying the card, it became clear it could use a little nudge.
Crimson Clergy
Now banned in Wild.
Dev Comment: Crimson Clergy is a key enabler in a combo deck with play patterns beyond what we want for the format.
The above craftable cards will be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks following Patch 26.4.3 (there is both an uncraftable version of Crimson Clergy that all players have for free as part of the Core Set, which can’t be disenchanted, and a version of Crimson Clergy in the Legacy Set that can be crafted or disenchanted).
The following cards have been adjusted to be more powerful:
Dev Comment: These mini-set cards were the ones that had the most room for adjustment.
Rhythmdancer Risa
Old: [5 Mana]
New: [4 Mana]
Fiddlefire Imp
Old: 3 Attack, 2 Health
New: 3 Attack, 3 Health
Remixed Dispense-o-bot
Old: [4 Mana] 4 Attack, 4 Health
New: [3 Mana] 3 Attack, 3 Health
Battlegrounds Updates
Hero Updates
Aranna Starseeker (Hero Power – Demon Hunter Training)
Old: [Passive] After you Refresh 5 times, Bob always has 7 minions.
New: [Passive] After 16 friendly minions attack, the first minion you buy every turn is free.
The Curator (Hero Power – Menagerist)
Old: [Passive] Start the game with a 2/2 Amalgam will all minion types.
New: [Passive] Start the game with a 1/1 Amalgam with Venomous and all minion types.
E.T.C., Band Manager (Buddy – Talent Scout)
Old: [Tier 3]
New: [Tier 5]
Dev Comment: E.T.C.’s hero power, Sign a New Artist, respects that Tavern Tier you’re currently at, so raising Talent Scout’s Tier means that it can’t be Discovered until later in the game.
Armor Updates
Aranna Starseeker and The Curator now have 10 Armor.
Minion Updates
Flourishing Frostling
Old: 0 Attack, 5 Health
New: 0 Attack, 6 Health
Humming Bird
Old: 0 Attack, 3 Health
New: 0 Attack, 5 Health
Eternal Knight
Old: 3 Attack, 1 Health
New: 4 Attack, 1 Health
Scarlet Skull
Old: 1 Attack, 2 Health
New: 2 Attack, 1 Health
Soul Rewinder
Old: 3 Attack, 1 Health
New: 2 Attack, 1 Health
Radio Star
Old: 2 Attack, 1 Health
New: 1 Attack, 1 Health
Old: 2 Attack, 3 Health
New: 3 Attack, 3 Health
Prickly Piper
Old: [Tier 4] 6 Attack, 3 Health
New: [Tier 3] 5 Attack, 2 Health
Handless Forsaken
Old: [Tier 4] 2 Attack, 3 Health. Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Hand with Reborn.
New: [Tier 3] 2 Attack, 1 Health. Deathrattle: Summon a 2/1 Hand with Reborn.
Rylak Metalhead
Old: [Tier 3]
New: [Tier 4]
Malchezaar, Prince of Dance
Old: [Tier 3] 5 Attack, 2 Health
New: [Tier 4] 6 Attack, 3 Health
Scrap Scraper
Old: 3 Attack, 6 Health. Avenge (4): Get a random Magnetic mech.
New: 3 Attack, 7 Health. At the end of your turn get a random Magnetic Mech.
Old: 5 Attack, 1 Health
New: 6 Attack, 1 Health
Upbeat Duo
Old: [Tier 4] 4 Attack, 4 Health
New: [Tier 5] 6 Attack, 6 Health
Utility Drone
Old: 4 Attack, 5 Health
New: 6 Attack, 7 Health
Bongo Bopper
Old: 5 Attack, 5 Health. At the end of your turn, get 1 Blood Gem and play 2 more on this.
New: 6 Attack, 5 Health. At the end of your turn, get 2 Blood Gems and play 2 more on this.
Bristleback Knight
Old: 5 Attack, 8 Health
New: 6 Attack, 9 Health
Gusty Trumpeter
Old: 4 Attack, 5 Health
New: 6 Attack, 7 Health
Lightfang Enforcer
Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health
New: 4 Attack, 4 Health
Polarizing Beatboxer
Old: 3 Attack, 7 Health
New: 5 Attack, 10 Health
Sister Deathwhisper
Old: 4 Attack, 9 Health. After a friendly minion is Reborn, give your Undead +1/+2 permanently.
New: 4 Attack, 10 Health. After a friendly minion is Reborn, give your Undead +1/+3 permanently.
Fleet Admiral Tethys
Old: After you spend 8 Gold, get another random Pirate.
New: After you spend 9 Gold, get another random Pirate.
Eternal Summoner
Old: 6 Attack, 1 Health
New: 8 Attack, 1 Health
Young Murk-Eye
Old: 7 Attack, 4 Health
New: 9 Health, 6 Health
Minion Pool Updates
Incorporeal Corporal has been removed from the minion pool.
Rot Hide Gnoll has been returned to the minion pool.
Duels Updates
Hero Power Updates
Arcane Craftiness
Old: Fire two missiles at random enemies that each deal 1 damage. If any minion dies, repeat this.
New: Fire two missiles at random enemy minions that each deal 1 damage. If any minion dies, repeat this.
Roguish Maneuvers:
Old: [1 Mana]
New: [2 Mana]
Dino Tracking
Old: Discover a Beast.
New: Discover a Beast. Give it +1 Attack.
Signature Treasure Updates
Old: [4 Mana] 4 Attack, 4 Health. Battlecry: Add 1 Demon to your hand. It costs (3) less. (Improves during run)
New: [5 Mana] 4 Attack, 3 Health. Battlecry: Add 1 Demon to your hand. It costs (2) less. (Improves during run)
Chaos Storm
Old: [1 Mana]
New: [2 Mana]
Spiked Arms:
Old: [3 Mana]
New: [4 Mana]
Passive Treasure Updates
Staking a Claim
Old: After you play your first Discover card in a turn, all friendly minions gain +1/+1.
New: After you play your first Discover card in a turn, all friendly minions gain +1 Attack.
Beckoning Bicorn
Old: After you play your first Pirate each turn, summon a Patches the Pirate.
New: After you play your first Pirate each turn, add a Patches the Pirate to your deck.
Wither the Weak
Old: After you cast a Fel spell, deal 1 damage to the lowest-Health enemy.
New: After you cast your first Fel spell in a turn, deal 1 damage to the lowest-Health enemy.
Corrupted Felstone
Old: Whenever you cast a Fel spell, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +2/+2.
New: After you cast your first Fel spell in a turn, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +1 Attack.
Legendary Loot
Old: On your first turn, Discover a Legendary weapon and equip it.
New: On your first turn, Discover a Legendary weapon. It costs (3) less.
Ring of Phaseshifting
Old: After you play a Legendary minion, add a random Legendary minion to your hand.
New: After you play a Legendary minion, add a random Legendary minion to your hand. It costs (1) less.
Blood Shields
Old: After the first time you spend a Corpse in a turn, gain 1 Health.
New: After the first time you spend a Corpse in a turn, gain 2 Health.
Old: Whenever a friendly Beast dies, draw a card.
New: After the first time a friendly Beast dies in a turn, draw a minion from your deck and give it +1 Attack.
Elixir of Vigor
Old: After you play a minion, shuffle two copies of it into your deck. They cost (3).
New: After you play a minion, shuffle two copies of it into your deck. They cost (2).
Ring of Black Ice
Old: Whenever a minion is Frozen, add a copy of it to your hand. It costs (1) less.
New: Whenever a minion is Frozen, add a copy of it to your hand. It costs (2) less.
Imp-credible Trousers
Old: After you cast a Fel spell, shuffle 2 Fel Rifts into your deck.
New: After you cast your first Fel spell in a turn, shuffle 2 Fel Rifts into your deck. Draw a card.
Dragonbone Ritual
Old: After you play a Dragon, give it Deathrattle: Go dormant. Revive in two turns.
New: After you play a Dragon, give it Deathrattle: Go dormant. Revive in two turns. When this awakens, give it +1 Attack.
All Shall Serve
Old: After the first time a friendly Demon dies in a turn, draw a minion from your deck.
New: After the first time a friendly Demon dies in a turn, draw a minion from your deck and give it +1 Attack.
Card and Treasure Pool Updates
Kingsbane has been banned from deckbuilding and all card pools.
Spectral Cutlass has been banned from deckbuilding and all card pools.
Heavy Armor has been removed from all treasure pools.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
[Hearthstone] Fixed misc. localization issues.
[Duels] Fixed a bug where the All Shall Serve Treasure also triggered on enemy minion deaths.
[Duels] Updated the wording on the Journey to the East Signature Treasure to better reflect its effect; no functional change.
New Updates of Hearthstone Battlegrounds Patch Notes 26.4.3
In the latest Hearthstone Battlegrounds patch notes 26.4.3, there are several exciting updates and balance changes that will surely impact the gameplay. Let’s take a closer look at the key highlights:
Hero Changes
The Curator, a beloved hero who had lost some of its charm, makes a comeback with a vengeance. Its Hero Power now grants Venomous to the tiny Amalgam, giving it a viable late-game effect. Previously, the all minion types token was underwhelming, but now it destroys the first minion it deals damage to, making it much more impactful.
Battlegrounds Meta Shift
The patch introduces a range of balance changes to address the meta. E.T.C., Band Manager’s Buddy has been nerfed and is now only available in the late game after moving to Tier 5. This change prevents early snowballing and ensures that other game-changing buddies don’t become Golden as easily. Aranna Starseeker’s recent bug has also been addressed, and her Hero Power, Demon Hunter Training, has been adjusted to “Passive.” After 16 friendly minions attack, the first minion you buy every turn is now free, aligning her power with the concept of Battlegrounds Quests.
Minion Ability Changes
Various minion abilities have been modified in this patch. The Scrap Scraper’s effect now triggers at the end of the turn instead of Avenge (4), preventing early advantages gained from its Discover ability. Upbeat Duo has been moved up to Tier 5, reducing the chances of encountering it early and enabling triples upon triples. The Quilboar Bongo Bopper now grants two Blood Gems after every turn, enhancing the Quilboar tribe’s potential.
Stat Changes and Tribe Balancing
Several minion stats have been adjusted to rebalance the late-game strategies and promote diversity. Minions such as Young Murk-Eye, Gusty Trumpeter, Eternal Summoner, Lightfang Enforcer, Bristleback Knight, Utility Drone, and Polarizing Beatboxer have received slight stat increases. Additionally, the Undead tribe has undergone a revamp with buffs to Sister Deathwhisper’s ability, providing +1/+3 to the Undead board. The Quilboar tribe receives its second Blood Gem buffer, Prickly Piper, now at Tavern Tier 3. However, the Battlecry-doubling Rylak Metalhead has been moved up to Tier 4.
Demons Nerf
To address the dominance of Demon strategies, key enablers like Soul Rewinder have been nerfed by moving Malchezaar, Prince of Dance to Tier 4. This adjustment makes it harder to achieve the additional free rolling and encourages players to explore other tribe synergies.
Miscellaneous Changes
Additional changes include Fleet Admiral Tethys now requiring an additional Gold, affecting Pirates, and Humming Bird and Flourishing Frostling receiving increased Health.
Patch 26.4.3 aims to reduce early snowballing effects and promote a more diverse and strategic gameplay experience in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. These updates and adjustments to heroes, minions, and tribes offer new opportunities for players to experiment, adapt their strategies, and explore fresh synergies. So, jump into the Battlegrounds and embrace the exciting changes that await you!
About Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a popular game mode within the Hearthstone digital card game, developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It offers a unique and strategic auto-battler experience set in the vibrant world of Hearthstone. In Battlegrounds, players participate in epic 8-player battles where they assemble and upgrade a powerful army of minions to compete against other players.
The objective of Hearthstone Battlegrounds is to survive through multiple rounds and be the last player standing. Each player begins with a selection of Heroes, each possessing a unique Hero Power and starting minion. Heroes have different abilities that can greatly influence their gameplay strategy and the composition of their minion army.
Throughout the game, players recruit minions from a shared pool, which consists of a wide variety of cards representing different minions from Hearthstone. Minions belong to various tribes such as Dragons, Mechs, Demons, Beasts, and more, each with their own synergies and abilities. Players can combine minions of the same tribe to unlock powerful bonuses and create a cohesive strategy.
The battles in Hearthstone Battlegrounds are automated, with players setting up their minions on the board and watching as they automatically attack the opponent’s minions. The outcome of battles is determined by factors such as minion stats, abilities, and positioning on the board. Winning battles earns players gold, which can be used to upgrade the Tavern Tier, reroll the minion pool, or purchase and sell minions.
As the game progresses, players can discover powerful minions, upgrade their Tavern Tier to access stronger units, and strategically position their minions to maximize their effectiveness. In addition, players can make use of powerful Hero Powers that can greatly impact the battlefield, providing unique advantages or altering gameplay mechanics.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds features regular updates and balance changes to ensure a dynamic and evolving gameplay experience. New minions, Heroes, and gameplay mechanics are periodically introduced, offering fresh strategies and keeping the meta-game exciting and diverse.
Whether playing for fun or competitively, Hearthstone Battlegrounds provides an engaging and strategic auto-battler experience within the rich and colorful world of Hearthstone. With its accessible gameplay, unique hero and minion interactions, and constantly evolving meta, Battlegrounds has become a beloved game mode for Hearthstone players worldwide.
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