Who are Ashley Graham Parents? Meet Linda Graham

Who are Ashley Graham’s parents? Check out this article to find out who Ashley Graham’s Parents are along with a biography of Ashley Graham. Ashley Graham is a Model. Don’t miss the buzz – sign up for Fresherslive now! From breaking celebrity news to insightful movie reviews, be the first to know and participate in the ever-evolving entertainment scene at Fresherslive.

Who are Ashley Graham’s parents?

So who are Ashley Graham’s parents? According to our research, Ashley Graham Parent is Linda Graham. Ashley Graham is a Model born on October 30, 1987.

Real name

Ashley Graham


Ashley Graham

Date of birth

October 30, 1987

Year old

35 years old


5 feet 9 inches (177 cm)


91 kg (132 lbs)

Place of birth

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA







Eye color


Hair color



Lincoln Southwest High School (2002–2005), Scott High School (1999–2002)

Zodiac sign



Linda Graham

Children/Children’s names

Roman Ervin, Malachi Ervin


Justin Ervin (2010)

Who is Ashley Graham?

Ashley Graham is a prominent figure in the fashion industry, known for her groundbreaking work as plus-size model, body activist and entrepreneur. Born on October 30, 1987 in Lincoln, Nebraska, Graham has become a symbol of body positivity and inclusion.

Graham’s fame began when she signed with a modeling agency at the age of 13. Throughout her career, she has challenged traditional standards of beauty and advocated for a diverse industry. and more typical. With her stunning looks and charismatic personality, she has appeared on the covers of many fashion magazines, including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Sports Illustrated.

In addition to her successful modeling career, Graham has become an influential figure in promoting body acceptance and self-love. She has used her platform to advocate for body diversity and is an outspoken critic of body shaming and unrealistic beauty standards. Graham has inspired countless people to appreciate their bodies and has helped redefine the concept of beauty in the fashion world.

In addition to modeling, Ashley Graham is also involved in the business field. She has collaborated with various fashion brands to create diverse clothing lines and has designed collections that cater to women of all sizes. Graham’s entrepreneurial ventures have further cemented her role as a pioneer and powerful force for change in the fashion industry.

Ashley Graham’s impact extends far beyond the fashion world. She has spoken out in support of self-acceptance and body positivity, inspiring people of all backgrounds to love themselves and embrace their unique qualities. Her influence helped change social norms and paved the way for greater representation and inclusivity in the media.

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Ashley Graham is an outstanding individual who has revolutionized the fashion industry and has become a symbol of body positivity. Her modeling career, activism and entrepreneurial endeavors have made her an influential figure and inspiration to people across the globe. Through her efforts, she challenges social norms and continues to empower individuals to embrace their bodies and celebrate their own beauty.


Ashley Graham biography

Ashley Graham, a pioneer who has left an indelible mark on the world of fashion and beyond. Born on October 30, 1987, in central Lincoln, Nebraska, Ashley’s journey from small-town girl to global icon is nothing short of fascinating.

Interestingly, Ashley entered the modeling world at the age of 13 when she was discovered by a talent scout. Little did she know that this encounter ignited the fire in her, spurring her to challenge the established beauty standards that are common in the industry. With her glamorous looks and seductive curves, she quickly became famous, appearing on the covers of famous fashion magazines and breaking stereotypes along the way.

But Ashley’s curiosity didn’t stop at modeling. With a thirst for more, she embarks on a mission to redefine beauty standards and inspire others to embrace their unique qualities. She fearlessly advocates for body positivity, being a beacon of self-acceptance and empowerment for people of all shapes and sizes. Her candid conversations about body image and her uncompromising approach to self-love have resonated with millions around the world.

Driven by insatiable curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit, Ashley has ventured into the business, creating diverse clothing lines and collaborating with well-known fashion brands. Through these efforts, she has cemented her status as an influencer and trendsetter, sparking a revolution that celebrates diversity and inclusion.

Beyond the glitz and glamor, Ashley’s story serves as a reminder that curiosity, coupled with determination, can break barriers and reshape industries. Her daring journey from small town to international fame is a testament to the power of embracing each person’s uniqueness and fearlessly following her passion.

As we reflect on the extraordinary life of Ashley Graham, one cannot help but marvel at her transformative impact on the world. Her spirit of curiosity has sparked a movement that celebrates beauty in all its forms, leaving a lasting legacy that will inspire generations to come.

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Ashley Graham Age

With a little bit of optimism, we celebrate the radiant Ashley Graham and her journey through the years. Born on October 30, 1987, in the charming city of Lincoln, Nebraska, Ashley has gracefully embraced with each passing year, the epitome of the beauty and wisdom that come with age.

As we move into 2023, Ashley is at 35 full of life, radiating confidence and a spirit that continues to inspire millions worldwide. With each passing day, she embodies a remarkable blend of grace, resilience, and unwavering commitment to promoting body positivity and self-acceptance.

Ashley’s age has become a symbol of empowerment, showing that life experiences only enhance one’s ability to make a lasting impact. As she embraces the opportunities that lie ahead, her journey serves as a beacon of hope and possibility, reminding us that age is just a number and the best is yet to come. .

In this area of ​​optimism, we honor the enduring spirit of Ashley Graham and eagerly look forward to the chapters she will write in the years to come.

Ashley Graham Height and Weight

Ashley Graham is tall at 5 feet 9 inches (177 cm), showcasing the sculptural beauty that captivated the fashion world. Her height and confident demeanor have helped her attract attention and challenge traditional beauty standards.

In terms of weight, Ashley maintains a well-proportioned and round figure. At 91 kg (132 lbs), she proudly embraces her body as a symbol of strength and self-acceptance. Ashley’s journey has redefined beauty standards, proving that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

Although her height and weight are often discussed in relation to her modeling career, Ashley’s impact goes beyond mere numbers. She has become a leading figure in promoting body positivity and inclusion, encouraging people to love and accept themselves regardless of society’s expectations.

Ashley’s confidence, charisma and relentless commitment to self-empowerment have made her a role model for many. Her ability to challenge social norms and embrace unique attributes has inspired countless individuals to do the same, promoting a more diverse and accepting world.

Nationality Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham’s nationality is American. Born and raised in the United States, she proudly represents her country on the global stage. A native of Lincoln, Nebraska, Ashley’s upbringing in central America has played an important role in shaping her identity and values.

Raised in the diverse landscape of the United States, Ashley’s nationality reflects the rich cultural tapestry that has defined the nation. She embodies the spirit of the American dream, fearlessly pursuing her aspirations and breaking down barriers along the way.

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As an American, Ashley Graham has leveraged her background to advocate for inclusion, diversity, and body positivity. Her impact has transcended national borders, resonating with individuals from all walks of life. Through her work, she has fostered a sense of unity and empowerment, inspiring people around the world to embrace their unique identities and celebrate their bodies.

Ashley Graham’s career

Ashley Graham’s career is an incredible testament to her talent, perseverance and determination. From humble beginnings as a young girl in Lincoln, Nebraska, to becoming a global icon, she has charted a remarkable path in the world of fashion and beyond.

Ashley’s career took off when she was discovered by a modeling agency at the age of 13. Since then, she has defied conventional beauty standards and shined as a plus-size model, challenging the standards. industry benchmark and promotes body positivity. Her glamorous presence and stunning looks have appeared on the covers of prestigious fashion magazines and brought her to the forefront of the modeling world.

However, Ashley’s career goes far beyond the fashion catwalk. She has used her platform to become a strong advocate for change, inclusion and self-acceptance. Through her activism, she has become a prominent voice in the body positivity movement, inspiring people to embrace their bodies and reject social ideals of beauty. festival.

In addition to her success in modeling, Ashley has also ventured into business, collaborating with famous fashion brands and creating diverse clothing lines. Her entrepreneurial ventures further cemented her impact and influence in the industry.

Ashley Graham’s career is a testament to the power of persistence and authenticity. She broke barriers, redefined beauty standards, and became an inspiration to millions. Her journey serves as a reminder that true success lies not only in personal achievements but also in making a positive impact on the world.

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Who are Ashley Graham Parents? Meet Linda Graham
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